Hello there! I am Filipa 👋🏼

A passionate UX/UI designer dedicated to crafting exceptional digital experiences by transforming complex ideas into intuitive and visually appealing solutions. I want to be the bridge between people and technology, ensuring that the former has the best possible experience while using it.

My work

My process: involve and explore

Involving users, stakeholders, developers, and business representatives in the design process is crucial for developing an exceptional product. Exploring problems and seeing a tangible solution emerge from a concept is what excites me the most about the design process. I strive to balance innovation with usability, ensuring that every design decision serves a purpose and enhances overall usability. My journey in the realm of design has equipped me with a diverse skill set and tools, such as:

  • User research
  • Wireframing & mockups
  • Prototyping of solutions
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration
  • Empathy

Let's make something great together

or connect with me 🤝

I’m looking forward to my next challenge 💥