

On the hunt for the best café in town

It doesn’t matter if you’re new to Aarhus or you have lived here for years. The city always has something more to offer to its residents and this applies to the coffee houses as well. See our picks for the best coffee houses around Smilets By.

The complete guide to making the dream brew

Want to upgrade your brewing skills and learn more about coffee and its growth? There are several things that have to be considered if you want to make the perfect coffee. Follow our tips & tricks from different experts and in no time you would find yourself brewing the coffee you’ve always dreamed of.

Best tools for brewing the coffee you crave

Brewing the best coffee at home can be quite challenging sometimes. You don’t want to make your coffee too bitter, too hot, too cold or too tasteless. Don’t let the difficulties discourage you. We’re here to provide you with advice on the best coffee tools that might come in handy when you’re preparing your beverage.


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